Introduction to Vice Chair: Patty Midy

Hello delegates! My name is Patty and I am incredibly excited to be one of your vice chairs for UNHRC!  I have been involved in MUN since high school and was head chair of UN-Habitat last year.  This year your head chair, Annalise, has chosen some wonderfully pertinent topics and I’m excited to see how all of you will tackle them.  Currently, I’m a senior Individual Major: Space & Character at Cal, this means that I have created my own major, which focuses on design based research studying the relationship between spaces and the people who use them.  I am also earning minors in Theater, Architecture and Sustainable Design & Urbanism in Developing Countries.  

I am originally from Haiti, but have also lived in Florida, Texas and now California!  However, Haiti will always remain my first home. I have seen in person the problems that can plague a country when it comes to issues affecting aid workers and refugees and look forward to hearing well thought out and researched solutions to these difficult topics. 

Outside of BMUN, I am highly active in the Bay Area theater scene, having designed and produced several shows. I’m also involved in my sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, and I currently intern at Arup, an engineering company (where I thankfully do very little engineering!) Feel free to speak to me about any of these topics outside of debate!

I look forward to meeting all of you soon and reading your insightful comments on our blog posts!


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