Introduction to Vice Chair: Saran Uthayakumar
Hey y'all! My name is Saran and I am so stoked to be one of your UNHRC (aka the best committee) Vice Chairs. As a first year student at the College of Letters and Sciences planning to major in Political Science and History, the issues relating to global human rights are particularly close to my interests and my personal story as well.
I am a proud child of Sri Lankan immigrants that fled a bloody civil war in which my family back home was displaced. Seeing the conditions of the internally displaced in my mother country even a decade after, really made me passionate about addressing the multifaceted struggle faced by internally displaced peoples. I am looking for thorough solutions that address both the long term and short term implications of displacement. The rights of aid workers is another prominent topic that I am very much looking forward to hearing about, specifically in regards to circumventing questions of negotiating with terrorists and breaching national sovereignty.
Please feel free to send me an email ( with any questions you have or if you wish to join the Donald Glover fan club I have commissioned with our lovely head chair Annalise. BMUN can seem large and intimidating as it did to me when I sat in your seats as a delegate last year, however, by remaining informed about the topic and being collaborative, I hope the issues we are trying to solve excite you instead and that your conference experience is fantastic!
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